Since 2000 I have lived here on our little smallholding with my husband, raising a family and keeping a variety of animals for food and fun. We've kept pigs and turkeys, quails, ducks and geese. Sheep were our wool providers and lawn mowers for 10 years, but our ever present companions are the hens - they provide us with delicious eggs, manure for the compost and are the very best organic system for keeping unwanted pests out of the soil. For the 20 plus years we've lived here, growing willow, flowers, herbs, fruit and vegetables has been a year round activity.
No chemicals are used in growing here, instead we rely on enriching the soil each year with homemade compost, comfrey tea and well-rotted manure from our chickens. When we need to buy in compost, we use peat free.
Cut flowers are available from the farm gate when they are in season – usually May to September – as the weather allows.
The willow is cut in the winter after leaf fall and cuttings are available then.
I planted our first willows in 2006 and over the years have added more and now grow a range of purpurea, triandra, alba, tortuosa and viminalis varieties.
Throughout the year I draw upon my teaching background to offer a range of seasonally led workshops using the flowers and willow that I grow here. I also offer a range of my basketry items on a wholesale basis to independent florists, gift shops, garden centres etc. You can find wholesale details here.
Rainy Williamson